I understand Trump’s new social media network will be called Truth. This guy’s operating manual is the novel 1984. If you haven’t read it, please do. This is our future if Trump takes over again. In the novel, the authoritarian government develops a new language called Newspeak where everything gets twisted and skewed according the government’s interpretation of what is true. And if you don’t speak it, you’re labeled a subsersive and taken in, without due process, for violation of the norm. People are routinely spied upon by their neighbors and cameras are everywhere to monitor people’s movements and intentions. Privacy is gone. Conformity is the rule and the ruler. You must be careful what you do or say every waking minute. And fealty to the leader is essential. Totally essential.
Sound familiar? It’s Trump’s modus operandi. “Fuck him!” Trump said to former Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu for committing the cardinal sin of congratulating Joe Biden just a day after his victory. Disloyalty is the worst crime anyone can commit according to Trump. He acts like a cult leader. He acts like a mafia boss. He acts like a totalitarian dictator. And he could very well be reelected President of the United States again in 2024.
If this happens, contrary to making America great again, he will send this country down a rabbit hole of chaos, disharmony, despair, and violent white supremacists. He will send this planet down a final road to perdition, deriding climate change as fake news. Through his Supreme Court, he will elide our Constitution into a mockery, and throw our Bill of Rights into the rubbish with it. America, as we have known it, will go the way of the Holy Roman Empire, gutted from inside out even more than outside in.
How to stop him? Ironically, watch Liz Cheney, an arch-conservative, and daughter of once equally conservative de facto President Dick Cheney. She’s a U.S. Representative who votes against Biden and formerly for Trump policies every step of the way, who I submit should supplant Elon Musk as Time’s Person of the Year. Liz Cheney may be a Republican ultra-conservative but she knows how to speak truth to abusive power. She is the only Congressperson, Republican or Democrat, who has the courage to stand up to Donald Trump and say it like it is, as we used to put it.
“For multiple hours,” she said publicly, “President Trump chose not to take the specific and immediate action many urged – as the violent mob besieged & invaded the Capitol, attacked & injured scores of Capitol Police, & obstructed Congress’s count of electoral votes,” she reiterated. “This was a supreme dereliction of the President’s duty.” And later, under her co-leadership of the House Committee to Investigate the Jan.6 insurrection, she continued her powerful scrutiny of the ex-President, asking a question no other congressperson, to my knowledge, has dared to ask: “Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’s proceedings?”
Such a charge, if proven, could land Trump in jail for many years and, importantly, prevent him from ever again holding public office of any kind in the United States.
Republican Liz Cheney leads the assault on Trump, but it will take the Department of Justice under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland, to arrest, charge, try, and convict him. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that he must do this now, but my dear astute wife intervened, reminding me that, more than likely, AG Garland is waiting for the House Committee to finish amassing all its evidence so he can then use that evidence in an open-and-shut court case against Trump. I hope she’s right.
For if the case against Trump is swept under the rug, or unreasonably delayed, by the DOJ, our country is in dire trouble. We’re facing a political monster who will not cease his destructive ways if not stopped by definitive legal action.
And that’s… The Truth.
DINO Joe Manchin announced on Fox News (that’s right, Fox–so called–News) that he will not be voting for Biden’s signature Build Back Better bill that will cover social and domestic programs. I’m beginning to see that when the Senate became a 50-50 deal, Manchin saw that as a golden opportunity to become a power broker–a very rich power broker. I expect fossil “fool” magnates, as well as Trump Repubs, saw him as a viable cog in Biden’s agenda to set this country on the right track. Money began to pour into Manchin’s coffers from Republican sources as they increasingly saw him as an ally in their obstructionist schemes.
So between the fascist Trump and the DINO Manchin, we are in quite a pickle for I would also surmise that the voting rights bills are also off the table. Without Manchin’s support for modification, the filibuster continues to give the Republicans a powerful arrow in their quiver of treasonous hypocrisy.
The only solution I can see is a colossal Democratic victory in the 2022 midterm election in both the House and the Senate that would politically vaporize Trump, Manchin, and Sinema. How about it, y’all? Let’s shock, and essentially save, the world and get out there and make such a surprise landslide happen. Otherwise, it’s curtains, my friends.