I’m sad, sorry, and alarmed to say that we currently have a government based on mafiosa tactics and processes. Republicans in both Houses no longer vote their consciences, or even their common sense, but vote instead by intimidation and threats of violence against them. Any Republican legislator who even remotely appears to oppose Donald Trump, even after his presidency has ended, may well receive death threats via phone, email, social media, or even directly at their or their family’s home or place of business. “Godfather” Trump has never, nor does he presently, do anything to discourage such criminal threats.
The impeachment trial for Trump’s inciting the insurrection against the U.S. government is over before it starts. It seems most Senators have already decided on their vote, with the Republican count falling far short of the 17 needed to join all the Democrats to convict Trump.
Why is this so, given that we even have Trump’s offenses on video, making all who watched eyewitnesses to a crime? Certainly not because the Constitution forbids the impeachment of a Federal official after leaving office. There is a precedent for such an impeachment. No, it’s a political decision. Vote to impeach and a Republican risks the threat of a primary challenge; or worse, risks the [Read more…] about I am sad, sorry, and alarmed to say…