Between anti-vaxxers, Trump Republicans, white supremacist militias, his own Democrat Progressives, Russian election saboteurs, Iran, China, and a resurgent and very militant Taliban, President Biden’s got his hands full. I figured as much even well before the election. I mean, thank God it’s him and not Trump, but I’m starting to wonder if Joe is up to the task. I’m thinking a Truman-like Democratic President would be better; or even a Johnson clone. But that’s not to be. Joe’s a good guy. He’s smart. He’s capable. But can he effectively deal with evil, for it’s evil forces that are plotting his demise, and a possible return of a Trump or Trump facsimile to the fascist throne. These are forces that will gladly sacrifice thousands of people to the coronavirus for the sake of regaining power. These are forces that will willingly impede the ability of huge numbers of people to vote…in a country most linked with democracy. These are forces that will use any means, any means, to accomplish their nefarious ends.
Biden wants bipartisanship, negotiation, and cooperation, expecting these forces to come around to his gentle beckon call. I suspect a harder-nosed approach is needed. Folksy speeches, soft, pleading tones, and veiled admonitions just won’t completely cut it in this cauldron pot atmosphere of take-no-prisoners.
On the other hand, he’s done a good job so far. He’s tread a left of center political path on a treacherous razor’s edge. He is no Truman or Johnson, and that may be a good thing. He is Joe Biden, a guy who knows his way around Washington, and the world. So, yes, I’d suggest a bit more fire in his presentation, but just a little higher flame on the burner.
I think you are right. A little more fire in his belly I think.
Last night we went to a Transcendence theater musical production at Jack London State Park. There were signs advising folks to wear masks. About 25% of the patrons didn’t. The emcee came out and nicely but firmly said that the singers and dancers weren’t wearing masks but for their and all our safety she would much appreciate everyone putting their masks on. And everyone did. It was calmly said with no intimidation or guilt tripping, but it worked. We need a President who is firm and direct to lead this country back on the path of commonality, respect for the needs of others and recognizing that we are all in the same boat!
Well said, Richard. A lot of people just don’t get it, and they need to hear from people of influence how crucial it is to fight this pandemic together, without all this politicization of a health crisis. Thanks for your comments, and take care.