Breakable News, news that we think you might need but you know, down deep, that you don’t need at all, had the remarkable good luck of bumping into-literally-Donald J. Trump just after he walked out of the 60 Minutes interview. He was taking what we smelled as a THC break from the stress of being asked questions “that weren’t fair” he said, in the tone and demeanor of our next door neighbor’s eleven year old. Here’s how our impromptu session went.
Breakable News (BN): Mr. President, got a few minutes?
Trump: What? Breakable? I don’t know if you people like me or not. I think you do, but I get confused by the way you put things sometimes. Kinda quirky. But people tell me you love America and you love me, so, sure, what’s on your mind?
BN: Yeah, Your Grace, we were just…
Trump: Like that, see. Your Grace. I like that. Shows respect. But no need to bow or anything like that. People might think I like England, God forbid. I didn’t bow to the queen when I met her, you know. And I told Melania, Don’t bow, you hear me. Don’t F’ing bow. Any more questions, Breakable?
BN: Right. About the pandemic…
Trump: First of all, we don’t use that word on the White House grounds. I’ve banned it, and have even ordered it removed from all dictionaries. And with my last EO concerning all fed employees, I can now fire anyone who uses the p word. Same with the c words around this little cold going around. I had it too, but thanks to a couple pills, some intravenous, oxygen, and some steroid sh-t, bam, it was gone like a squirrel up a tree. What else you got? I’m a busy man.
BN: Yeah, right. What are your plans around curing this little cold once you’re reelected?
Trump: That’s a nasty question, and you know it. You don’t ask questions like that of the President, you hear me. Who do you think you are, and who do you think I am? Your house ni….I mean, your butler? If I wasn’t standing here answering your stupid questions, I’d get up and leave like I did on that lady in there. Now what else? I can smell my filet and fries cooking. It’s close to feeding time, and I never miss feeding time.
BN: I think that’ll wrap it up, Mr. President. Deep thanks for taking the time for such an in depth interview. We’ll give you top billing on Breakable News tonight. First story.
Trump: And only story, I assume. Gotta run. And I want the tape of this talk destroyed, you understand. People might get the wrong idea.
BN: True, that.
Wasn’t that great! Such clarity. Such insight. Such transparency. Another crystal clear example of who to vote for in this next election and why.
Today’s featured recipe: Proud Boys Delicious Apple AK-47 Pie–the dish that satisfies and intimidates at the same time.
Ingredients: apples, the more tasteless the better
an AK-47 rifle, locked and loaded (for taste only)
Sugar, 10 pounds
Instructions: In big, and I mean big, pot, place the rifle.
Surround it with sliced apples and sugar
Cook for awhile. Remove rifle before serving.
Proud Boys–the adorable picture of the Boys wearing aprons and guns in their test kitchen we were unable to supply–who sent in this recipe, informed us they are well aware there is no crust involved in this traditional dish, a fact they are proud of, citing their First and Second Amendment rights, and dare anyone to criticize them.
That was the best interview, the biggest and most amazing!
Many thanks, Richard. With my 60 Minutes interview approaching, may I use your comments as a testimonial in my worldwide promotion of the event? You are one of seven worldwide who has read this post, which is perhaps the most significant happening since the Karen Asteroid hit the earth 60 million years ago, killing all the dinosaurs, thus paving the way for humans to evolve. A fluke, for sure. And look where that’s got us: to Donald J. Trump, kind of back to the dinosaurs, you might say.
Anyway, thanks again, Richard, and hope you and the family are well.