It started when Trump tried to prove that Barack Obama was not a natural born citizen, which helped Trump build a following, a base, and ultimately a cult. He sensed the undercurrent of racism in 2016, linked it with xenophobia around Hispanic immigration and fear of Islamic terrorism, enlisted the support of Russian cyberterrorists and was able to paint Hillary Clinton as a candidate worthy only of a prison cell. With a scorched earth approach, Trump blasted anyone who opposed him, regardless of party affiliation. He essentially and ironically stole the 2016 election, blatantly promising to appoint anti abortion judges to the Supreme Court, again parlaying a hot button issue among evangelical Christians and pro life Republicans to energize the Republican base to come out and vote for him, despite his obvious moral shortcomings.
Once elected, he conspired with Mitch McConell, another power hungry oportunist, even before the election, to block the Obama nomination of Merrick Garland to the court several months or so before the election, something entirely unorthodox as well as unethical, and probably illegal. It was also in violation of the Constitution but no one took any significant action to block McConnell. It was part of a plan to put a minority party into a majority position and essentially control the federal government through judicial control of the courts.
With McConnell’s help, a president Trump was able to nominate and push through three right wing judicial extremists to the high court who as he and the radicalized GOP had hoped would set the country back about what…50,60, 70 years, defining “Great Again” as white and segregated again and where women would return to the kitchen and their traditional place of mediocrity?
The next phase of Trump’s take over plan is to fill the congress with representatives and senators who are beholden to him for their election, and are therefore pawns in the game of his ambition, which ultimately is designed to increase the financial fortunes of the Trump family dynasty. That will lead, he hopes, to his regaining the presidency in ’24, and his solidifying his oligarchy–an essentially fascist rule which has absolutely nothing to do with government of, for and by the people. The people under Trump’s rule will be just that: under his thumb and forced by fear to pledge loyalty to him and his chosen oligarchs, modeled after his friend Putin’s increasingly fascist rule in Russia.
It’s not a very copacetic scenario, is it? We’ve not seen anything like a Trump before and so don’t quite know what to do with him. The 14th and 25th Amendments address it but no one really knew or knows how to enforce the Constitution, especially when trying to figure out how to handle a seditious ex president who attempted a bloody coup against the government, who would not agree to a peaceful transition of the presidency after he lost, who instigated a violent, armed mob to attack Congress with the intent of stopping the counting of electoral votes and hanging Mike Pence, who even tried to commandeer the car he was in after Ellipse rant, trying to grab at the wheel and choke the driver and head secret service agent who was insisting returning to the White House instead of joining the rioters as Trump wanted–a loyal civil servant who would take a bullet to protect this asshole. First time for that. Go figure. It’s got many of us pretty buffaloed, hasn’t it? As Riley (played by the great William Bendix) used to say, “What a revoltin’ development this is!”
Good day, y’all. Be well. Sleep tight tonight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
And if you’re having trouble sleeping, check out my new book: Beating Insomnia: A No-Nonsense Way to Natural Sleep. An offering based on my experience struggling with and overcoming insomnia, with a foreword by Daniel Erichsen M.D. If you have sleep issues of any kind, this book is for you or someone you know. Available in print or ebook versions at
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