Do you see WTF is coming? It’s a steamroller coming down Main Street, USA. It’s a GD, SOB, MFing, right-wing, fascist Steamroller steamrolling down through Kalamazoo and every other red town America. And its coming fast. And its coming furious. And shit, it’s already here. And we don’t see it because most of us are fogged out asleep, are in such denial we don’t know the sound of our own names, are so overwhelmed that if a tornado hit us at this moment, we would be taking out our beach chairs to enjoy the brisk night breeze. And whammo, we’re hit with a load of right-wing, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Donald Trump, shit. No shit! 4chan, 8chan, 16chan like a line of asteroids coming at us like some blitzkrieg of old, some Nazi volcano on its side, spiting mercury and sulfuric acid and rat saliva and death threats up the wazzoo. Watch out, y’all. Here she comes, all festered like a fingernail been bit too close. “I’m not kiddin’ ya. No, I’m serious, says the Pres. “No, I wouldn’t kidgya. Like my Dad always said…You see all these Fox news people here tonight: They all had to show full vaccination. I’m not kiddin’ ya.”
In the meantime, some 4chan-infused white supremacist asshole just shot four innocents, including a 12 year old girl because he just wanted to kill however many he could kill. He fired 200 rounds at whoever was in range and then posted it online as the police closed in on his apartment. They found 800 more rounds after they burst in and after he killed himself which he planned to do from the start.
Why? Because someone told him to on 4chan, the online source started by some asshole who is now running for U.S. Representative in Arizona. No lie! Guess what party? Guess who probably endorsed him? Right, you guessed it. I don’t f…ing believe what’s happening to this country at this time in history. You know how water as it goes down the drain goes faster and faster. That’s our country right now. And the only way to plug up the drain is with a vote that has been gerrymandered, suppressed, manipulated, defrauded, and, yes, rigged by…you guessed it: The Trump-infused Republican National Socialist Nazi Party. Ain’t that a pisser! Stop the Steal, indeed! And BTW, what bunker is Merrick Garland and his DOJ hiding in? I’m just saying, as we used to say.
One friend of mine asked me what can we do as individuals to stop the steamroller? Well, not much, but at least we can wake up from our dream life and pay attention to reality, take it in, worry about it, curse like I’m doing (OK, maybe not that much!), catharsis with a capital C. Shit, at least you won’t have to lose sleep over it than if you kept it all in in massive denial mode.
What can I say? Write to your congressperson? Yeah, right (the only time in the English language when two positives equal a negative!). Write to your minister? Uh huh. Write to the President? I did and got a reply that referred nothing to what I suggested in my note which was a copy of my last blog post. Besides, the President probably never saw it, as my wife pointed out.
But even with all the Republican dirty tricks to keep Dems from voting, we can still get out there and vote. They can put up all kinds of obstacles but if we are determined we can still vote in this country. And ultimately the Trump Republicans who run for office are, yes, scumbags, but the voters who vote for them are bigger scumbags. They will make or break this country, and believe me, when we break, we will break bad. Like other failed democracies, there will be no returning. It will be autocracy and dictatorship spewing fascism or communism or anarchy. Then, when any of us leave our houses, it’s Russian Roulette 24/7. The bullets will come unannounced, unbidden, and random like the 4chan guy. You can bet the white supremacists and other Trump cultists are lying in wait for that day.
What about money? Should we send money to ActBlue et al? Go ahead, but I’m not (with the exception of Stacey Abrams Fair Fight). With a few exceptions, people’s minds are made up already. The Trumpsters on one side: The Dems on the other. Some of the Dems are progressives and often don’t vote if a centrist Dem is running like Hillery in ’16. They’re scumbags too, and paved the way for Trump to win that year. All because their Dear Leader Bernie wasn’t on the Presidential ballot. It was the same when Nader ran in 2000 and 2004. His ego took away enough votes from Dem candidates that they lost to incompetent Republicans who further contributed to the demise of our country and our planet. So yes, my beef is also with progressives who always want it their way or the highway. I suggest we switch to European forms of democracy where we have multiple parties in a coalition form of government. In America presently, we’ve devolved into government by the minority, namely Trump Republicans, who essentially include Joe Manchin.
What that has led to is three Trump Supreme court inductees who lied their way into confirmation, particularly, as we’re seeing now, in regard to Roe vs. Wade. They are staunch political conservatives whose aim is to turn governance over to the states, emasculating the power of the federal government to insure constitutional civil rights, essentially the same situation as before the Civil War. Are we headed to another Civil War? I certainly hope not, but that water is draining away faster and faster down the political drain.
So vote, and vote Democrat, up and down the ballot. Surprise Democratic landslides in ’22 and ’24 really are our only hope.
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