The battle has begun. Trump misogynists vs. a woman’s right to choose. The Trump Republican base vs. the Democratic Party. A clear division. Both sides are equally energized after the Supreme Court ruling obliterating Roe v Wade as Trump conservative appointees said they wouldn’t do. They lied in order to gain confirmation, as Trump lied to illegally regain a presidency he lost. The ’22 midterms define the battleground. And as often in political war, the outcome depends on how many troops show up to the final battle on election day.
Voters in America are often energized by one primary issue or candidate. They went for a madman in ’16, i.e. more Republicans turned out, because of his promise to reverse Roe. And with the scurrilous help of another madman, namely Mitch McConnell, he did just that appointing and seating three ultra conservative justices to the Court. With that, though just a one term president, Trump changed the direction of American politics and civil rights in a drastic turn backwards and sharply to the right.
Since the Civil War, such conservative turns have stymied our march to make this a more perfect union, with justice and civil rights for all. Linked with big money interests, extreme conservatives have stood in the way of every piece of legislation and initiative that hoped to level the playing field to allow the progeny of slaves to recover and share in the wealth and original vision of this nation, as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. Now, still under Trump’s influence and using his violent tactics, though still a minority, they are achieving their goals of returning to a predominately white Christian paternalist nation where some are more equal and privileged than others.
I understand the next target of this Supreme Coup is gay marriage, and after that contraception, and after that… (fill in the blank!)
So, chose your side. Your weapon is your vote. But you’ve got to show up to the battle to cast it. The Trump gang is depending on the apathy of Democrat voters. But I sense an unusual upwelling of discontent among those Blue voters. As they gather forces and showed up to defeat Trump in ’20, this extremist Supreme Court may energize them to come out again and increase Democratic majorities in the Senate and House. It could very well happen.
Where do you stand? Will you vote? And if so, what kind of country do you want? For we are still a democracy where the people get to decide on their elected representatives. Whether it remains as such, is not up to Donald Trump and his cronies. It is up to you.
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