Dear Donald John Trump,
Please resign now as President and hand over the reins of your office to your veep Mike Pence. It makes sense. Polls indicate you will probably lose the next election by a considerable margin; your approval ratings are beginning to slip badly, the stock market is down; the economy is down and in recession, heading towards a depression; your business empire needs your full attention. And remember Nixon chose to resign to avoid the embarrassment of an impeachment conviction. You should resign, sir, if for no other reason than to avoid the embarrassment of a landslide defeat at the hands of the Democrats. Resignation will preserve your legacy at this point, avoiding any further smears. Think of it: you’ll have time to hone your golf game even more, build your businesses for enduring success, and be remembered as the President who did the right thing for America. With your grandchildren in tow, you can ease into older age, your memories as President and your reputation intact.
So please Mr. President, resign and put elections and Coronavirus briefings and the media and the tanking economy behind you. It’s the right, and honorable ,thing to do.
Thank you, sir, for your attention.
written by Stephen Charles Altschuler
U.S. citizen
Vancouver WA