No one wants to talk about this. No one. Not the press. Not Biden or Obama. Not any politician. Not the FBI or the CIA. Not the military. Not Trump, unless he gaffes about it at one of his rant rallies.
The very worrisome scenario I see coming is this: Trump has had a lot of time to plan what will transpire after November of 2024. He knows he will lose the election to Joe Biden. That doesn’t concern him, because as chief Maggot of the MAGA, he has decided well before the election that he will have enough support behind him to ignore the results of the election, something he tried to do in 2020 but was legally unable to do. Now he’s had plenty of time to figure out how to do that in 2024. As he does now, he will have the House of Representative in his back pocket. That is key, and he is fighting hard at present, with intimidations and threats aplenty, to make sure a right wing extremist is elected Speaker of the House. He’s already stacked the Supreme Court with his adoring lifetime lackeys. He has already trained his MAGA base to bark and bite with death threats against Trumpian traitors. Death threats against people and their families are a mob method of obtaining control over their avowed territory.
In Trump’s case, that is the entire country, if not much of the world. If nothing else, gaining power again will protect him against any current prosecutions and possible jail time. What happens is that people become afraid to speak up, as it is true today in China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Myanmar, etc. When ordinary people start going to jail, or even disappear, because they have spoken out against the government, others grow increasingly frightened and stop talking, even to those they trusted in the past. Free speech disappears. Fear of speaking or even thinking, takes over and a totalitarian state develops and metastasticizes. In the past, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Brazil’s Military Junta, Salazar, and South African apartheid were examples of this.
Trump is presently working on this and has most of the MAGA Republican Party under his direction as a result. Most of them are afraid for their own or their family’s lives if they cross Don Donald.
However, there is hope. Trump is not a particularly intelligent semi-human being. He is an obvious narcissist. He is a megalomaniac. He has a personality disorder, probably several, including the infamous borderline personality disorder. He is a sociopath, worse than many I’ve seen when working in a state prison as a mental health counselor. Trump often miscalculates. He often crosses the line into early stage dementia. He misjudges the public mood. He panics when it comes to potential criminal convictions and possible jail time. He over-bullies. He’s keen on capital letters in his rant tweets. He rants at his rallies to the point of sounding ridiculous and almost deranged. I believe he will fail again if he attempts another treasonous takeover of the government by force. I don’t think he’s smart enough to correct the mistakes made at the first Jan. 6 dress rehearsal.
The scary part is that since we haven’t seen anything like a Donald Trump in the past, he may succeed. He almost succeeded in 2020, and since the pandemic, our people are in a state of malaise, of denial, of stupor, of i-don’t-want-to-hear-about-it, of malleability, of gullibility. Trump knows this. He knows too this is his last shot at a coup. It’s now or never. He knows, down deep, if he fails this time, he will die not long after. He’s fat, he’s elderly, he doesn’t eat healthy, his only exercise is riding around all day in a golf cart cheating at golf. The angel of death more than likely stalks him, seeing a very likely victim. And once he fails in 2024 and the ghost of his father whose constant voice from the grave reminds him to never be a loser, he knows a jail sentence is not far behind. And he knows that a lot of convicted convicts,traitors, politicians, con men, and frauds die in prison. The election of 2024 is, therefore, a matter of life or death for Donald Trump.
And, as a consequence, it is a matter of life or death for not only our country but of our beautiful planet Earth, and probably the human species. Trump cares only for his own welfare and not for anyone or anything else.
Solutions? I can’t just say vote for Democrats. Without a coalition style government, we need a two party system. But each party must play by the rules of democracy, which ultimately work only when each party puts country and its people before their own pocket books and power. It works when each party comes to consensus through compromise, respect, intelligence, and sacrifice. Mob tactics have no place in a democratic representative government. Only fascists run countries by fear and intimidation. History shows us they eventually crash and burn in chaos and disarray.
Trump and his MAGA cult represent the road to fascism and the destruction of our democracy. You and I can stop that march, but we must have the determined will if we are to find the way to the end of this dark MAGA tunnel.
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