The problem is the people who vote for them and send them money. Lots of money. Why wouldn’t Trump run again with all those bucks flowing in? That’s how he accumulated all his money. Trump is evil, but not stupid. Do what you love, the money will follow as the book in the 70s advised. Trump loves to misinform, deceive, stiff, blame, vilify, embarrass, grope, extort, threaten, inflame, and lie, and, yes, the money has followed. But,despite all his character flaws and snake oil salesman tendencies, people have and will vote for him again. Same thing with McConnell, McCarthy, Gaetz, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, and sheesh, they’ll probably elect Santos again. There are QAnon cultists who believe both John F. Kennedy and particularly his son John F. Kennedy Jr. who died in a plane crash with his wife in 1999, never died and are planning to return with the latter joining Trump on the ’24 ticket as his running mate–or some such hallucination. And they cannot be convinced otherwise, as a CNN reporter heard them say. They cite Jesus as an example of someone who is destined to return as well, although I believe they believe that he at least died first!
So this is what we’re dealing with. If Trump and his minions win, my wife and I are staying put and will continue to support the loyal opposition. But if the crazies start rounding people up with no due process, or shooting people at random (which is already happening), or targeting blacks or Moslems or Mexicans or Jews or Asians or the disabled or even just women, we’re out of here. Where, I don’t know yet, but we’ll ask for political asylum somewhere we consider safer and more democratic than here and try to get on a plane before the MAGA fascists close the borders “for national security purposes.”
How about you? Or have you had a nervous break which has led to an extended “news break?” I have friends who consider the news, any news, as toxic, and never watch it. Is that reasonable? I don’t think so. That’s what fascists want and encourage.
None of my books have been banned (darn it!) nor are they selling much but they can still be found on Amazon, at least until that heretofor nuclear war happens. My music however is doing quite well, and, in fact, is apparently going viral in West Africa. I think that is so cool. Word is going around there that a US guy’s music is vibing big time. Imagine, a Jewish kid from South Philly with the chutzpa to call himself a professional songwriter is writing music that black folk whose ancestors essentially involuntarily built America on their enslaved and whipped backs are now enjoying and buying songs by this white American 77 year old. Wonder of wonders/Miracles of miracles, as Tevya would say.
You can find my tunes–ballads, indie folk, rock, country, other genres not yet agreed upon–on Spotify, YouTube, Apple, and just about any of the streaming services. They’re free, but hurry– maybe not for long. Just type in my name to any available search box.
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