It’s looking much bigger than Watergate, bigger than McCarthyism, bigger than anything we’ve ever seen in this country. It’s a developing conspiracy that is worldwide in scope, and it involves money, sex, and political power. In fact it’s so big and may so baffle prosecutors, the perps, Donald Trump being the leader, may get away with it without even being charged. I am not an investigative reporter but have been able to see connecting threads which tie the whole diabolical embroidery together, from Trump’s initial rumblings about running for president in 1988 to his toxic connections with Jeffrey Epstein in the 90s to his questionable business dealings in the late 90s to his connections with Russia and Saudi Arabia in the early 2000s to his birtherism rantings in the slightly later 2000s to his winning the Republican nomination for his presidential run in 2015 to his stealing the election via Russian collusion in 2016 to his appointment of three radical conservatives to the Supreme Court during his first term in office with the traitorous assistance of Mitch McConnell to his Big Lies after losing the 2020 election to Joe Biden to his Stop the Steal rallies to his instigation of the insurrection against the government on January 6th, 2021 to his threats to run again in ’24, Trump has woven a toxic tapestry of deception, dereliction of duty, and even sedition in his attempt to pad his pockets with unheard of amounts of money and political power that dismantles democracy, installing him and his family as a dynasty that equals or exceeds that of Kim Jong Un and Xi Xinping or his friend Vladimir Putin.
Trump has operated like a mafia boss, carefully laying the groundwork and setting the keystone to an arch that has helped him avoid prosecution, essentially setting himself up as above the law, a titular monarch in a puppet democracy, much on the model of Viktor Orban in Hungary, the difference being the United States is much more powerful than Hungary or even Russia. He has nurtured what is basically a state-controlled media in Fox “News”, has rested control of the Supreme Court which he knows will absolve him after any appeal from a conviction of a lesser court, and has carefully planned his reemergence, as Hitler did after his imprisonment, and has engineered primary challenges against candidates of his own party of questionable fealty to him to remount the throne of “his” presidency by hook or by crook in 2024.
Donald Trump is not a particularly smart hombre, but he has a finely tuned criminal mind. I’ve seen such minds when I worked as a mental health counselor in Massachusetts state prisons early in my career. Men who were prone to a life of crime were successful up to a point when a flaw in the workings of their brains finally caught up with them and they landed in prison after tripping on their own shortcomings. Surprisingly, only about 5 percent of those convicted of a crime ever wind up in prison. Most “cop a plea” and, with good lawyers, negotiate lesser charges, leading to probation or, at worst, short county jail time. O.J. Simpson is perhaps the poster boy for what a top lawyer can do for someone obviously guilty of a serious crime. For many years, Trump has employed such lawyers and accountants who have manipulated the law to keep their boss out of jail.
However, like I said, there often comes a time when crime catches up with an inveterate criminal. He begins to make mistakes and get sloppy with his cover-ups. He begins to be arrogant, making careless public statements. He begins to act with impunity, thinking he has avoided capture for so long that he is essentially above the law. It is the plight of the clinically chronic narcissist, or worse a sociopath, both of which I believe Trump to be.
He grovels in the pit of greed, hatred, and delusion–a pit filled with figurative quicksand, and you know what happens if you fall into quicksand: the more you struggle and whine, the faster you sink. He’s even got his grubby, greedy hands into the world of professional golf through his support of LIV Golf, that sportswashing league financed by the totally corrupt and murderous Saudi regime. Trump is making a mint off the Saudis while actively encouraging PGA pros to ruin their careers by defecting to this upstart tour which is handing out signing bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars…per player!
In return, the Saudis have financed Jared Kushner’s business to the tune of two billion dollars and are using Trump golf courses for their phony tournaments. The last one at his New Jersey club attracted a mere 3000 fans, two of whom included Margorie Taylor Green and Tucker Carlson! I strongly suspect that most of the pros who’ve jumped ship are avid Trump supporters, as evidenced by the extremist right wing lawyers they hire to shamelessly sue the PGA and the Golf Channel.
So these are the threads that point to a coordinated Trumpian conspiracy towards a constant flow of money from his cult members and evangelical Christians who incredibly liken this charlatan to Jesus Christ, and authoritarian, indeed fascist, power. I can only point out the threads as I see them. It will take experienced and seasoned journalists and prosecutors to further unravel his diabolical schemes and bring Donald Trump to justice.
And now, what I think may be his supreme faux pas, the misstep, that could well bring the gavel of justice down upon his head, he has taken classified and top secret documents with him to his Florida home and resort, a cardinal sin as determined by the chief archivists of the government. As historian Heather Cox Richardson writes, “You don’t want to ever mess with government archivists.” There may well be information in those documents pertaining to our nuclear weapons stockpile; and there are reports that the Russians have some of that information and are studying it. If Trump gave or sold that information to the Russians or the Saudis, he could be charged with espionage, a crime punishable by death. And the more Trump rants and raves about the investigation being “a hoax” or “a witch hunt” (the guys in prison used to shout “bum beef”, blaming any and all for the crimes they committed), the more I think this criminal has made his one fatal mistake that will lead to his downfall, simply because,”you don’t want to ever mess with government archivists.”
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