He’s a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Remember the Beatles song? It fits like a glove on OJ on none other than…you guessed it: Donald Trump. Another run for President? This guy is either stupid, demented, mentally ill or all of the above. And if his MAGA cult members stick with him this time, they are clones of him. Problem is cult members can never leave their leader. It’s do or die. Now their leader is even turning against his own proteges like DeSantis and Youngkin, which confuses the cult to no end. They can’t fault their dear leader. That just wouldn’t do. Where would they go? What would life’s meaning look like if they abandoned Trump? They’d be lost in the woods of innui. And Republican political leaders who continue to support Trump are equally lost, confused, and forlorn. They’re damned if the do and damned if they don’t; stuck between a rock and hard place; caught behind the eight ball, painted into a corner, out on a limb, and up shit’s creek without a paddle.
Folks, it’s high time to let go of this albatross around the neck of America. He cares about nothing but himself. He is haunted by his father’s voice saying the worst thing in life is to be a loser. And yet, time and again he has proven himself to be just that: a loser who’s only good at evading indictment. He is certainly no model to hold up to a youngster desperately needing models of moral and psychological character to see them through the rigors of modern childhood and adolescence.
So we know that his MAGA base will not let go. They will continue to fly their flags on the backs of their pickups, sell Trump memorabilia on Main Street corners, and vote for this guy come hell or high water. That’s a given for about what 35% of Republican registrants. A significant number, for sure. Their ears are closed to any arguments against their cult leader.
As for GOP leaders, there may now, after this last election, be more latitude, although Kevin McCarthy is still trying to spin the results into some sort of victory that he predicted. They still want that cult Trump base. And they want to avoid the inevitable death threats to them and their family should they turn against Trump. Yes, Trump uses these elements of his ruthless base to wield his political ax like a mafia don. But other leaders have blinked after poor showings by Trump-endorsed candidates in the last three elections. If nothing else, Republicans want votes and when votes are not forthcoming they start changing their tune. It’s the sine qua non of politics in America.
After hearing of his speech announcing his run for the 2024 election, I am convinced that we have little to worry about. Donald Trump is defeating, and will continue to defeat, himself in the days, weeks, and months to come. We are witnessing a sad excuse for a former president, a true nowhere man in the process of coming undone, of falling apart, of shooting himself in the foot, of cutting off his nose despite his face, leading the rats off a sinking ship…which is sinking very fast.
So another song comes to mind for those still enamored and in bromance with Donald John Trump. It’s the chorus to Paul Simon’s 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover:
You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free.
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don’t need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free.
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