Some thoughts about God have come to me. First, there is a God and he/she/it was here before the Universe was Big Banged into existence, probably by a basically bored God. That was done as a kind of experiment. A let’s-see-what-happens kind of thing. God, then, was not an invention of human beings. God was always here, and hence our Universe is essentially of spiritual origins and God is endemic to everything in the Universe. God is animal, vegetable, and mineral. The tiniest living virus contains the essence of God. The largest Blue Whale contains God, as do all species. Since the whole of the Universe is equal to the sum of its parts (science tells us that), and God is the Whole, then every part around us has God within it. God is life, and is beyond race, gender, religion, any dichotomy that humans have come up with to separate one person from another, leading to discrimination, segregation, categorization, and judgement of one group against another.
There is just one God, and, as I’ve said, that God was here long before we came down from trees and started walking and talking. Knowing this changes everything. God then joins us to all life around us. God is the common thread that binds us all as brothers and sisters whether heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transexual, asexual or just sexual. Whether black, white, brown, red, yellow, or albino. Whether abled, disabled, employed, unemployed, homeless, having a home. Whether law abiding, criminal, convict, or free. Whether healthy, sick, mentally ill, or sane. Whether kind, evil, sensitive, abrasive, cruel, loving. God is a part of us all.
Jesus was not God. Nor was Moses. Nor was Mohammed. Nor was Buddha. Nor was any king or queen. Nor was ANY human being. God was and is Father and Mother to all of us. I don’t think God anticipated human beings, but when the dinosaurs went extinct God must have known that mammals would evolve…to what? God probably didn’t figure on our troublesome species.
Has God ever talked to us? Given us instructions how to treat one another? Shown any willingness to help us live in peace and harmony with each other and with the Earth upon which we live? Yes, of course. There were and is the Ten Commandments. There was and is the Golden Rule. There was wonderful poetry and song that came from minds of people who took no credit for the words that appeared. They were possessed of the spirit of God. And thank God many of those words and instructions and ideas are still available, in books and the good parts of the internet.
If we humans take inventory of how we’ve done since our species started, and God were listening to our accomplishments, God might say, accomplishments, sure, but you could’ve done better, don’t you think. You war too much. You argue too much. You lie too much. You deceive too much. You pollute too much. You abuse too much. You steal too much. You denigrate too much. You kill too much. You segregate too much. You are choking yourselves and all living species on this planet too much. You talk too much. You waste too much time. You belittle too much. You do too many things too much. You hate too much. You don’t love enough.
Anyway, that’s enough to chew on for now. Have a lovely, thoughtful, and very thankful Thanksgiving.
My recent book, The Valley Spirit: Living a Tao-inspired Life, it’s a quiet book, written with love, and has some good ideas on healing oneself and the planet. Good reading for the approaching Holidays. You can read reviews of the book by Midwest Review of Books and Reader’s Favorites at my website at, and you can purchase it at Amazon, along with other books of mine.
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