Two announcements:
1. I have new book out. It’s called Into the Woods…and Beyond about a time in my life between the late 70s and the late 80s when I spent three plus years in a cabin in New Hampshire, then returned to city life. It’s a book that chronicles my deep connection with nature, both in the woods and later in the city. It’s available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple and other online sources in both eBook and paperback formats. Authors John Francis and Cheryl Jones, along with environmental activist Bill McKibben wrote wonderful blurbs. And the foreword is by Thomas Moore, renowned author of the perennial best seller Care of the Soul. I think you’ll enjoy the book. It was a momentous time for me, filled with considerable personal angst as well as joy, laughter, tears, personal growth, and, of course,a deepened appreciation and love of nature. It’s published by my own newly-formed company Sacajawea Press, and the ebook and paperback are available via Amazon and other online sources.
2. If you want more details about the book, some relevant photos, and a video of me discussing the book, go to my page at Kickstarter at, This funding project will, hopefully, facilitate the production, marketing, and promotion of the book. My goal is $3000 within 30 days. If the goal is met, fine. If not, donations are returned/canceled. The link will take you there and you can decide if you’d like to participate. And please, feel no pressure…at all. Meeting this funding goal is not a sine qua non to its success.
And If you do purchase the book (now available at Amazon at, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think and, if you like it, post a review on Amazon, if you’re so inclined. Again, no pressure, but a review would be very much appreciated.
Thanks. Be well, all of you. Stay safe. Ruth and I got our first vaccine dose yesterday! Much happiness and good health to you and your families.
With love and gratitude,
Here’s me in front of the cabin in 1977. I was 32 years old.
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