Finally, it is here. The day of decision. A day of voting, that gift of democracy. And therein lies the crux of how to vote and who to vote for. Ultimately, the decision should revolve around protecting our democracy and which candidates will do more to insure that goal.
My choice is Joe Biden. He knows something about how a democracy works within a representative system. He knows something about compromise with the opposing parties and colleagues. He knows something about the people of this country–what they feel, what they need, and what they want. He knows they want peace of mind to carry on their lives. He knows they want a president who can empathize with them in times of grief, who can cheer with them in times of triumph, who can soothe them in times of confusion and doubt and conflict, who has the courage to act with strength mixed with wisdom in times of challenge. He knows they/we want a president they/we can trust, we can admire, we can look up to. We want a president who our children and grandchildren will see as a role model of decency and morality and sensitivity. He knows we want a president who will represent all of the people of this great country.
So, yes, I urge you to vote, but more so to vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and all their supporters. Thank you.
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