A modern-day David in the person of Cassidy Hutchinson is a national treasure who, I predict, will take down a modern-day Goliath in the person of Donald Trump. Cassidy is performing the same role that Alex Butterfield did in taking down another Goliath in the person of Richard M. Nixon in 1975. Watching this young woman speak the truth to power in the aftermath of January 6 restores my trust in the ability of America to rebound against the onslaught of Trump and Trumpism in the 20 teens and twenties. She is, as Butterfield was, believable, trustworthy, steady, and reliable. Her voice is clear, unwavering, and resonant, even in the ugly face of threats of death and violence–threats that Trump refused to discourage and, seemingly, encouraged. Cassidy Hutchinson is a true patriot. Donald Trump is a true traitor.
But Cassidy began her story by covering up the full truth. Trump lawyers told to just not tell the whole story, to tell just enough to get the congressional questioners off her back, to not tell all she knew about Trump and his Administration. And she saw a lot, an awful lot being the top aide to Mark Meadows, the powerful Chief of Staff of the White House for the last critical months of that particularly corrupt administration. But the chaos and violence of January 6, incited by Trump of which she was witness, convinced her that she absolutely had to tell the “whole truth and nothing but the truth.” But before she arrived at that truth she had gathered some equity in the fealty she owed to this President whom she at first admired, and she expected was truly making the country great again. A moderate New Jersey Republican, Cassidy was happy with her job and felt she was doing something positive for the country.
But that all changed after the election and the Stop the Steal movement, initiated by Trump and the fake elector scheme and the coup attempt on January 6. Cassidy began to see a different Donald Trump–an insecure, vindictive, vituperative, revengeful, totally self absorbed individual who was coming apart at the seams…quickly. But no one else in Trump World was speaking up. Others saw what was happening and saw the unraveling, but everyone-everyone–kept their mouths shut for fear the boss would become enraged and set his jackels upon them…as Cassidy at first felt as well.
Finally, after seeking out and actually meeting octogenarian Butterfield, she could no longer look herself in the mirror and feel comfortable with herself as a moral, conscious human being. If called to testify, she thought, she would answer every question truthfully, as our judicial system requires. And she did.
Now we have a perfect model of how a government employee needs to act in the service to his or her country. When you take an oath of office, it is a sacred oath, not to be flaunted or minimized or avoided. That holds true for police officers (officers in Uvalde Texas trampled their oaths in the dirt as they stood by and let Hispanic American children be slaughtered), doctors, teachers, civil servants, Congresspeople, mayors, and, yes, Presidents. Trump failed to adhere to the letter and content of his oath of office. Cassidy Hutchinson did not fail, and urges others in the same boat now to come forth and speak truth to power and threat.
And with that standard that this woman holds aloft, trust and honor is restored against fraud and deceit. And with that standard, lies and scams are exploded into smithereens. And with that standard held high by Ms. Hutchinson, a corrupt President is exposed for who and what he is: a misanthrope, a con man, a snake oil salesman, a de facto mafia boss, a charlatan, and someone undeserving to only not be President but not even be permitted to run for this honored office of the chief upholder of our democratic ideals.
Cassidy Hutchinson should give you ample reason not to vote for Donald Trump or any of his allies. You should buy her book, appropriately titled Enough, and inform yourself of the details of a coup that was in the making and the intended dismantling of our democracy, as Cassidy witnessed first hand. And you should direct others who you might suspect are Trump followers to buy Cassidy’s book and watch her TV appearances and podcasts to divest themselves of any illusions that Trump will in any way make this country great again. On the contrary. Quite on the contrary.
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