OK, gather your cats round the computer, Love Bugs. Breakable News, in our continuing Cats Rule segment, has a treat for you today. We sent our voter suppression correspondent Charlie Helpdo out on assignment to investigate alleged suppression in Utah and he unfortunately stumbled upon a cougar den with newborn cubs. In a fake news, pretty much real, special report, here are Charlie’s extraordinary videos from the front lines. Charle’s a bit directionally deficient , btw, since our assignment stipulated a voting place at a Mormon Church in downtown Salt Lake City.
First, Charlie stealthfully approaches the den with cubs and their mom. A heartwarming scene, and obviously, our ace reporter surmises, no voter suppression there.
Now assuming you’ve seen the preceding video of moma and her cubs, check out this segue where Charlie gets a wee bit too close, arousing the ire of moma cougar. And it finally occurs to our dear ace reporter that perhaps he’s mistaken in assuming this is a legitimate voting place…unless…unless Moma thinks Charlie is a Proud Boy, Charlie ponders.
So herd those cats and watch this exciting conclusion to today’s Cats Rule special. This is a non-continuing story since Charlie, a bit confused after the encounter, has no intention of returning to this particular Church, he reported as he faded into the sunset.
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