Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler
U.S. House of Representatives
WA 3rd District
September 11, 2022
Dear Rep. Herrera Beutler,
To get right to the point, I would like you to present a bill to Congress that on the grounds stated in the 14th Amendment, Donald J. Trump, because of his incitement of a mob on January 6, 2021 prior to their attack on the Capitol, is hereby and forever prohibited from running for public office of any kind. As a recent article from the Washington Post/online shows (9/11/22), there is precedent for such an action of Congress, an action that is entirely separate from any current court action, investigation by the DOJ, or any action taken by the House Commission Investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection. The Congress apparently has the power to enforce the 14th Amendment, and so can block any individual who participates in an insurrection directed towards the United States Government.
Since we are a representative democracy, I come to you, my representative in Congress, to file such a bill. I cannot do this on my own. My mission, as a citizen, is to express my views, and petition my representative to hopefully advance my views in the way our Constitution provides. You voted to impeach Donald Trump when he was president, and I greatly admire you for your courage to do so. Unfortunately, you have paid for that courage and wisdom with a primary challenge and defeat by a Trump Republican, whom I dearly hope loses in the general election.
But for now, you are still my representative and will remain so until a new Congress is seated. So I beseech you, Rep. Herrera Beutler, to advance a bill as I am suggesting. It would be, for you, an opportunity to do a great service for our country to stop Donald Trump from further harming our country through his attaining any public office.
Please confirm your receipt of this letter, along with your reactions to it. I, of course, hope you agree with me and will move ahead and do what is required to file such a bill. I’d be happy to meet with you in person to discuss my proposal in more detail, if you’d like.
Thank you very much, and good wishes to you in your future endeavors.
Stephen Altschuler
Excellent plan. Thank you.
Thank you, Pat. Feel free to copy it and send it to your own Representative.