Forty Democrats in the House have submitted a bill that would, by means of the 14th Amendment, make it impossible for Donald Trump to ever run for public office again. The 14th Amendment clearly states that if anyone who has sworn an oath of allegiance to the U.S. Government is involved in the overthrow of our government, attempted or otherwise, he or she will be banned from ever running for office again. Donald Trump swore such an oath upon his inauguration as President in January 2017 and in 2021 was involved in the planning and action to overthrow the government and steal a fair and legal election. Congress is empowered to enforce the 14th Amendment, and upon passage in the House, the bill will then be sent to the Senate for their vote. If passed by a majority vote in the Senate, it will be sent to President Biden for his signature. That will effectively block Donald Trump from ever running for public office again. This could be accomplished within the final term of this lame-duck Congress. If not, the Republican majority in the House, slated to start January 3, 2023, will more than likely vote down the bill.
Unfortunately, the GOP has morphed into a party almost soley dedicated to blocking anything and everything the Democrats are trying to achieve to help this country get back on track since the brunt of the pandemic is over. And by still aligning itself with Donald Trump it has essentially become a party associated with and beholden to a white supremacist racist. Yes, the GOP is a party that espouses racism, bigotry, discrimination, anti-semitism, anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-LGBTQI, anti-alternative energy, and climate denial. Those are strong words, I know, but strong words are needed to break the toxic direction this mainstream party has embarked upon–a direction that at its core, dating back to the Civil War, is also anti-democracy and anti-US Constitution. We the people, the Constitution begins. All men/people are created equal concludes the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Of the people, for the people, and by the people said Lincoln at Gettysburg. The Bill of Rights does not discriminate as to who is entitled to those rights. They are meant for all citizens and legal immigrants. Courts have upheld this basic principle for decades.
And back to that crucial bill upholding the 14th Amendment to ban Trump from ever running for public office again, I beseech you to call your U.S.congressperson and senator and urge them to vote in favor of this initiative. Trump is a scoundrel and hooligan who must be stopped via appropriate legislation and court action.
Thank you.
I am only a concerned citizen, beholden to and paid for by no one but myself. I am against any individual or organization who is against democracy and in favor of fascism, racism, and white supremacy. I am extremely alarmed that Donald Trump and his Republican Party have fallen into the latter category.
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